Who are we?

The Río Tormes is a Integrated Vocational Training Centre (Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Río Tormes or C.I.F.P. Río Tormes in Spanish) is a public institution in the network of centres of the Junta de Castilla y León administration. It is located in the eastern part of the city of Salamanca (Spain) and shares a building with the I.E.S. Fernando de Rojas, located on Calle Colombia, 42.

Since its establishment in 1930 as an Elementary School of Work, it has evolved to become a benchmark in vocational training in Castilla y León. We offer a wide range of educational programmes in the professional families of Installation and Maintenance, Transport and Vehicle Maintenance and Electricity-Electronics.

Our commitment is to provide quality education that equips our students with the skills and competencies necessary for their insertion into the labour market and their integration into european society as responsible and digitally competent citizens.

It is one of the few integrated centres where exclusively Vocational Training of Castilla y León is taught in its different modalities and degrees:



Teléfono 923 18 69 61
Fax 923 18 62 62
Email 37013341@educa.jcyl.es

Horario general del centro
Mañanas: de 8:30 A 14:20 h.
Tardes: de 16:00 a 21:10 h.

Horario lectivo
Mañanas: de 8:30 a 13:15 h. (Turno diurno)
Tardes: de 15:20 a 21:10 h. (Turno vespertino)

Horario de secretaría
Mañanas de 9 a 14 h.

  • Teachers
  • ES
  • EN