The holder of this diploma has acquired the General Competence related to:
Carrying out auxiliary operations in the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic elements and equipment, as well as electrotechnical and telecommunications installations for buildings and building complexes, applying the required techniques, operating with the indicated quality, observing the corresponding occupational risk prevention and environmental protection regulations, and communicating orally and in writing in Spanish and, where applicable, in the regional co-official language, as well as in a foreign language.
“Electrical and Home Automation Installations”
The holder:
- Selects the elements, equipment, and tools needed for the assembly and maintenance of electrical installations in buildings, relating them to their function in the system.
- Installs conduits, supports, and boxes in low-voltage and/or home automation electrical installations, laying out the installation path.
- Lays cables between equipment and elements in low-voltage and/or home automation electrical installations, applying techniques according to conductor types and installation characteristics.
- Installs mechanisms and elements of electrical and/or home automation installations, identifying their components and applications.
- Carries out auxiliary maintenance operations for electrical and/or home automation installations in buildings, relating the interventions to the expected results.
“Telecommunications Installations”
The holder:
- Selects the elements that configure telecommunications installations, identifying and describing their main characteristics and functionality.
- Installs conduits, supports, and cabinets in telecommunications infrastructure installations in buildings, interpreting installation sketches.
- Installs cables in telecommunications installations in buildings, applying the established techniques and verifying the result.
- Installs elements and equipment of telecommunications infrastructure in buildings, applying the established techniques and verifying the result.
“Electrical and Electronic Equipment”
The holder:
- Identifies materials, tools, and equipment required for the assembly and assembly of electrical and electronic equipment, describing their main characteristics and functionality.
- Determines the sequence of assembly and disassembly operations for electrical and electronic equipment by interpreting diagrams and identifying the steps to follow.
- Assembles and disassembles elements of electrical or electronic equipment, interpreting diagrams and assembly guides.
- Connects elements in electrical or electronic equipment, applying basic techniques and verifying continuity.
- Performs basic maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment, applying the established techniques under conditions of quality and safety.
“Installation and Maintenance of Data Transmission Networks”
The holder:
- Selects the elements that configure voice and data transmission networks, describing their main characteristics and functionality.
- Installs conduits, supports, and cabinets in voice and data transmission networks, identifying the elements on the installation plan and applying assembly techniques.
- Deploys the cabling of a voice and data network, analyzing its layout.
- Installs elements and systems for voice and data transmission, recognizing and applying different installation techniques.
- Performs basic configuration operations on wired local networks, relating them to their applications.
- Complies with occupational risk prevention and environmental protection standards, identifying associated risks, measures, and systems to prevent them.
The Basic Technician in Electricity and Electronics carries out their activities in companies specializing in the assembly and maintenance of electrotechnical installations in buildings, homes, offices, commercial premises, and industrial environments, supervised by a higher level, and regulated by the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation and the Common Telecommunications Infrastructure Regulations.
The most relevant job positions are:
- Low-voltage electrical installation operator.
- Assistant antenna and satellite television installer.
- Assistant installer and repair technician for telephone and telegraph equipment.
- Assistant installer of communication equipment and systems.
- Assistant telephone installation and repair technician.
- Laborer in the electricity production and distribution industry.
- Assistant microcomputer systems installer.
- Electrical and electronic equipment assembly operator.
- Electrical and electronic equipment maintenance assistant.
- Tester/adjuster of electrical and electronic circuits.
- Assembler of components on printed circuit boards.
Issuing body:
The diploma is issued in the name of the King of Spain by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Sports or the autonomous communities within their respective competencies. The diploma has academic and professional validity throughout Spain.
Official duration of the diploma: 2000 hours.
Level of the diploma (national or international):
- Compulsory Secondary Education.
- Level 3A of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Lifelong Learning.
- Level 3.5.3 of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 3.5.3).
Access requirements:
a) Be at least 15 years old or turning 15 during the current year.
b) Have completed the third year of secondary education, or exceptionally the second year with teacher recommendations.
c) Be recommended for a Basic Vocational Training Cycle based on their vocational profile.
d) In intensive training cycles, the student must be 16 years old to access practical training in companies.
Access to further education/training:
The holder can access Intermediate Vocational Training Cycles.
Legal framework:
The diploma is established under Royal Decree 127/2014 of February 28, which regulates aspects of Basic Vocational Training, and Royal Decree 217/2022 of March 29, which establishes the minimum teachings for Compulsory Secondary Education.
Explanatory note:
This document is intended as additional information to the diploma but has no legal validity on its own. An Annex I may be included and completed by the corresponding Autonomous Community.