Training Offer

At our center, we offer official Vocational Training courses in both on-site and online formats (the only distance learning course we offer is Electrical and Automated Installations).

Here are the courses available at our center, grouped by levels and professional families. You can access detailed information about each course by clicking on the corresponding link.



Higher Technician Vocational Training Programs

Electricity and Electronics

Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance

Installation and Maintenance

Intermediate Vocational Training Programs

Electricity and Electronics

Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance

Installation and Maintenance



Basic Vocational Training Programs

Electricity and Electronics

Teléfono 923 18 69 61
Fax 923 18 62 62

Horario general del centro
Mañanas: de 8:30 A 14:20 h.
Tardes: de 16:00 a 21:10 h.

Horario lectivo
Mañanas: de 8:30 a 13:15 h. (Turno diurno)
Tardes: de 15:20 a 21:10 h. (Turno vespertino)

Horario de secretaría
Mañanas de 9 a 14 h.

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