Higher Technician in Aeromechanical Maintenance of Turbine Engine Helicopters

Higher Technician in Aeromechanical Maintenance of Turbine Engine Helicopters


The holder has acquired general skills related to carrying out programmed and corrective maintenance of engines, airframe, and mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical systems of turbine engine helicopters, both on the line and in the hangar and workshop. He or she also participates in the manufacturing and assembly processes of components, applying the regulations in force and the required quality standards in accordance with the technical documentation, complying with specific aeronautical regulations, occupational risk prevention, and environmental protection plans, and participating in maintenance management.


The Holder of a Diploma of Higher Education in the Aeromechanical Maintenance of Turbine Engine Helicopters mainly works in the aircraft maintenance departments of different airlines or companies dedicated to both passenger and freight transport or other aviation activities, performing line inspections and line and hangar/workshop maintenance operations.

The most relevant occupations and jobs include:

  • Turbine engine aeromechanical maintenance technician.
  • Systems maintenance technician in a hangar or workshop.
  • Turbine engine adjustment technician.
  • Electrical and electronic equipment technician and fitter.
  • Structural maintenance technician in a hangar or workshop.
  • Non-destructive testing technician.
  • Line mechanic.


Name and status of the awarding body:
The Ministerio de Educación (Ministry of Education) or the Autonomous Communities within their administrative responsibilities. The degree has academic and professional validity throughout Spain.

Official duration of the diploma: 2,540 hours.

Level of the certificate (national or international):

  • NATIONAL: Non-university higher education.
    • Level 5b of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 5b).
    • Level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF 5).

Entry requirements:
Holding a Bachelor’s Degree or passing the corresponding access test.

Access to further studies:
The holder can access any university degree course.

Legal basis:
Regulations governing this diploma:

  • Minimum teaching requirements established by the State: Royal Decree 1447/2018, of 14 December, which establishes the diploma of Higher Education in the Aeromechanical Maintenance of Turbine Engine Helicopters and sets out the corresponding minimum educational requirements.

Explanatory note:
This document serves as additional information to the diploma but does not have any legal validity on its own.


Fundamentals of Electricity 6
Fundamentals of Electronics in Aeromechanics 5
Digital Techniques and Electronic Instrument Systems in Aeromechanics 6
Materials, Equipment and Tools in Aeromechanics 6
Maintenance Practices with Aircraft Mechanical Elements 11
Maintenance Practices with Aircraft Avionics Elements and Services 5
Basic Aerodynamics 3
Human Factors 5
Aeronautical Legislation 3
Instrumentation, Avionics, and Lighting Systems 6
Flight Aerodynamics, Structures, and Theory 7
Hydraulic, Fuel, Pneumatic, and Protection Systems 9
Helicopter Aerodynamics, Structures, and Accessories 6
Gas Turbine Engines 11
Project on the Aeromechanical Maintenance of Turbine Engine Helicopters 5
Company and Entrepreneurial Initiative 4
Workplace Training 22


Summary of Learning Outcomes for Each Module:

  1. Fundamentals of Electricity:
    The diploma holder acquires knowledge of the basic principles of electricity, understanding the laws that govern it. They learn to analyze direct and alternating current circuits, calculate their parameters, and characterize electrical machines and transformers, applying the fundamental principles of electromagnetism.

  2. Fundamentals of Electronics in Aeromechanics:
    The student gains skills in measuring and analyzing semiconductor diodes, thyristors, and transistors used in avionics equipment. They learn about the operation of operational amplifiers, logic circuits, printed circuit boards, and servomechanisms applied in aeronautical systems.

  3. Digital Techniques and Electronic Instrument Systems in Aeromechanics:
    The holder understands digital conversion operations, aircraft data buses, microprocessors, and optical fiber systems. They analyze the effects of electrostatic charges, electromagnetic interference, and software management in aircraft systems.

  4. Materials, Equipment, and Tools in Aeromechanics:
    The student learns about the properties and applications of metallic and composite materials used in aircraft structures. They study fastening devices, rigid pipes, electrical cables, and the tools required for maintenance and assembly tasks.

  5. Maintenance Practices with Aircraft Mechanical Elements:
    The holder performs operations with aircraft mechanical elements, including reading technical diagrams, assembling pipes and bearings, machining components, and carrying out maintenance procedures while ensuring safety and quality compliance.

  6. Maintenance Practices with Aircraft Avionics Elements and Services:
    The diploma holder applies maintenance procedures to avionics components, performs cable connections, system tests, and welding, and ensures the proper documentation and traceability of maintenance operations.

  7. Basic Aerodynamics:
    The student develops an understanding of aerodynamic performance, lift and drag forces, and flight stability. They analyze the effects of vortices and the forces acting on an aircraft in different flight conditions.

  8. Human Factors:
    The diploma holder learns about the psychological and physical factors affecting aircraft maintenance personnel. They develop skills in communication, teamwork, error prevention, and the application of safety regulations.

  9. Aeronautical Legislation:
    The student becomes familiar with international and European aviation regulations, focusing on maintenance standards, operational guidelines, and regulatory compliance in commercial air transport and design organizations.

  10. Instrumentation, Avionics, and Lighting Systems:
    The holder acquires knowledge of the operation and maintenance of electrical and avionics systems in helicopters. They analyze system parameters, perform maintenance on instruments and lighting systems, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

  11. Flight Aerodynamics, Structures, and Control Systems:
    The student studies helicopter aerodynamics, control systems, and power transmission mechanisms. They perform maintenance on flight controls and analyze rotor dynamics.

  12. Hydraulic, Fuel, Pneumatic, and Protection Systems in Helicopters:
    The diploma holder learns about the operation and maintenance of hydraulic, fuel, and pneumatic systems. They apply maintenance protocols for fire protection, ice protection, and environmental control systems.

  13. Landing Gear, Equipment, and Accessories:
    The holder characterizes helicopter structures and landing gear components. They perform maintenance and repairs on essential accessories and ensure compliance with maintenance manuals.

  14. Gas Turbine Engines:
    The student acquires knowledge of the working principles of gas turbine engines, thermodynamic cycles, lubrication and fuel systems, and maintenance procedures for various engine components.

  15. Project on the Aeromechanical Maintenance of Turbine Engine Helicopters:
    The diploma holder applies their knowledge in planning and executing projects, ensuring compliance with technical, economic, and regulatory requirements, and defining monitoring procedures.

  16. Company and Entrepreneurial Initiative:
    The holder identifies business opportunities, plans the creation of small enterprises, and understands financial and legal obligations related to business operations in the aeronautical sector.

  17. Workplace Training:
    The student applies their acquired skills in a real-world environment, performing maintenance operations, diagnosing faults, and ensuring compliance with quality and safety procedures in aviation companies.


Teléfono 923 18 69 61
Fax 923 18 62 62
Email 37013341@educa.jcyl.es

Horario general del centro
Mañanas: de 8:30 A 14:20 h.
Tardes: de 16:00 a 21:10 h.

Horario lectivo
Mañanas: de 8:30 a 13:15 h. (Turno diurno)
Tardes: de 15:20 a 21:10 h. (Turno vespertino)

Horario de secretaría
Mañanas de 9 a 14 h.

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