Advanced Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention

Advanced Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention

Duration of study: 2000 hours/ 2 years  

The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to:  

Having a comprehensive and integrated understanding of the production process to collaborate with other internal and external departments in planning activities that may pose risks to workers, facilities, or the environment, with the aim of prevention. 

Collaborating with services and entities responsible for occupational risk prevention, especially those involved in the company's prevention system. 

Promoting prevention within the company as a general principle. 

Detecting and analyzing, at their level, the risks associated with each activity in the production process and those specific to the equipment, substances, and preparations they handle, as well as the reactions that occur. 

Monitoring compliance with safety, hygiene, and environmental regulations by supervising the adequacy of equipment and prevention measures for risks associated with machinery, installations, processes, substances, and preparations. 

Establishing preventive and protective measures by participating in the development of the prevention program and the interior and exterior emergency plan, organizing human and material resources in the most suitable manner to control risk situations, and collaborating in emergency response and first aid actions. 



- Risks derived from safety conditions.
- Environmental physical risks.
- Prevention of risks derived from organization and workload.
- Work environment relations. 


- Prevention management.
- Emergencies.
- Labor training and orientation.
- Environmental chemical and biological risks. 

In companies, upon completion of training at the educational center, completing it and carrying out activities specific to the profession: Work Placement Training (W.P.T.). 


Risks derived from safety conditions. 

The different work situations that give rise to various types of risks are explained, including conditions that generate electrical, chemical, fire, construction, and machinery-related risks. The difference between prevention and protection is explained, as well as the ways in which this can be implemented in the workplace through training and informing workers. Various types of personal protective equipment are also explained, along with the situations in which they should be used. Finally, a statistical study is conducted on workplace accidents that occurred in previous years, including accident investigation. 

Environmental physical risks. 

In this module, the student work within the field of industrial hygiene, focusing on the study of risks associated with noise, vibrations, thermal stress, and radiation in the workplace in oprder to prevent them and avoid harm to the worker. 

Prevention of risks derived from organization and work load. 

In this vocational training module we study: On the one hand, psycho-sociology, which aims to prevent job dissatisfaction of workers, concerned about their mental health. And on the other hand, ergonomics, which aims to adapt the workplace to the person to create safe and comfortable environments. 

Work environment relations. 

The module of Work Environment Relationships (WER) focuses on the study of labor relations and effective communication in the professional environment. Its objectives include the development of interpersonal skills, understanding group dynamics, and conflict resolution. The purpose is to prepare students to improve the work environment and foster a collaborative work environment. 

Prevention management.  

In this module, students are trained to analyze current legislation and regulations regarding risk prevention affecting all sectors of public and private activities, both nationally and internationally, identifying and selecting those specific to the production processes of goods and services. Additionally, they learn to assess the importance of prevention and protection procedures for workers' safety and health, as well as to correlate risk factors in working conditions and preventive techniques for improvement, based on potential threats to safety and health present in the workplace. They are also instructed on how to apply required actions and documentation in the methodology for collecting data regarding risk assessment, as well as accidents, incidents, and occupational diseases. Finally, they are guided to analyze the organizational and functional structure of the company, identifying internal departments and workers' representatives, as well as public bodies and entities with competencies in prevention.Analyze the organizational and functional structure of the company, identifying internal departments and workers' representatives, as well as public bodies and entities with competencies in prevention. 


In the Emergency Module, we cover emergency and evacuation plans, along with fire regulations and fire risk assessment in various buildings using multiple methods. This is presented theoretically and supplemented with practical exercises to calculate the fire risk level and ensure compliance with evacuation routes and firefighting equipment parameters. Additionally, we teach first aid and rescue techniques. 

Labor training and orientation. 

The Employment Training and Guidance module is a cross-cutting content that enables the acquisition of competencies for professional development in the workplace environment. It allows students to understand and become familiar with the working conditions they will encounter in their professional lives, as well as the legal framework in which they currently or will find themselves upon starting to work. They will learn about their rights and obligations as workers. 

Environmental chemical and biological risks. 

This module addresses risks related to the handling of chemical and biological products, as well as risks that may arise from working in an environment that is contaminated. 

You study the most common chemicals in the industry: their labeling, storage methods, and associated risks, primarily focusing on inhalation hazards. Regarding biological agents, we study their classification, virulence, and containment methods to mitigate risk. 


Teléfono 923 18 69 61
Fax 923 18 62 62

Horario general del centro
Mañanas: de 8:30 A 14:20 h.
Tardes: de 16:00 a 21:10 h.

Horario lectivo
Mañanas: de 8:30 a 13:15 h. (Turno diurno)
Tardes: de 15:20 a 21:10 h. (Turno vespertino)

Horario de secretaría
Mañanas de 9 a 14 h.

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