Technician in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations


The holder of this diploma will have acquired the general competence with regard to:

Assembling and maintaining refrigeration, air conditioning, and ventilation installations, applying current legislation and protocols on quality, safety, and labor risk prevention, guaranteeing their functionality and respect for the environment.


The Technician in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations works in industries involved in the assembly and maintenance of thermal and fluid installations related to the commercial and industrial refrigeration sub-sectors, as well as the air conditioning sector in buildings, civil works, and the industrial sector.

The most relevant occupations or jobs include:

  • Refrigeration fitter in commercial installations
  • Refrigeration maintainer in commercial installations
  • Refrigeration fitter in industrial processes
  • Refrigeration maintainer in industrial processes
  • Fitter/assembler of air conditioning, ventilation-extraction equipment, distribution networks, and terminal equipment
  • Maintainer/repairer of air conditioning and ventilation-extraction equipment, distribution networks, and terminal equipment


Name of the awarding body:
Spanish Ministry of Education or the different Autonomous Communities according to their areas of competence. The diploma has academic and professional validity throughout Spain.

Official duration of the education/training leading to the diploma:
2000 hours.

Level of the diploma (national or international):

  • NATIONAL: Post-Compulsory Secondary Education
    • Level 3 of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 3)
    • Level _______ of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF ______)

Entry requirements:
Holding the Certificate in Compulsory Secondary Education or passing the corresponding access test.

Access to next level of education/training:
This diploma may provide access to Higher Technical Cycles provided that an entrance exam is passed.

Legal basis:

  • Minimum teaching requirements established by the State: Royal Decree 1793/2010, of 30 December, which establishes the diploma of Technician in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations and its corresponding minimum teaching requirements.

Explanatory note:
This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified diploma and does not have any legal status in itself. An Annex I may be added and will be filled in by the corresponding Autonomous Community.

Summary of Learning Outcomes for Each Module:

  1. Thermal Machinery and Equipment:
    The diploma holder learns to identify and analyze thermal magnitudes and values that determine the operation of refrigeration and heating equipment. They acquire skills to calculate thermal loads in refrigeration, air conditioning, and heating installations, interpreting refrigeration cycle diagrams and performing energy balance calculations. They also understand heat generation processes, including combustion and solar radiation applications, and become familiar with the selection and operation of various refrigeration components, such as heat exchangers and expansion devices.

  2. Installation Assembly Techniques:
    The student develops expertise in interpreting technical documentation to determine machining and joining operations required for refrigeration and air conditioning installations. They gain practical skills in drawing installation components using CAD software, applying anti-corrosion treatments, and performing manual machining tasks such as cutting, bending, and welding. Additionally, they acquire knowledge of safety measures and environmental protection regulations applicable to assembly operations.

  3. Electric Installations and Automatisms:
    The diploma holder is trained to assemble, configure, and maintain electrical systems for refrigeration installations, including control and drive circuits. They acquire the ability to interpret electrical schematics, assemble protective and regulation devices, and troubleshoot electrical faults. They also develop practical skills in working with electric motors and programmable controllers, ensuring compliance with labor risk prevention and safety standards.

  4. Configuration of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations:
    The student learns to analyze technical documentation to configure refrigeration and air conditioning systems, selecting appropriate components and calculating distribution networks. They develop the ability to design small-scale installations, produce technical and administrative documentation for regulatory compliance, and create functional block diagrams using industry-standard symbols and conventions.

  5. Assembly and Maintenance of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment:
    The diploma holder gains practical experience in assembling commercial refrigeration systems, installing electrical components, and conducting commissioning processes. They learn to perform preventive and corrective maintenance, diagnose system malfunctions, and repair commercial equipment following manufacturers' recommendations and safety regulations.

  6. Assembly and Maintenance of Industrial Refrigeration Installations:
    This module focuses on the installation and maintenance of large-scale refrigeration systems. The student acquires skills in assembling industrial refrigeration components, conducting leak tests, and commissioning installations through preliminary testing. They also develop the ability to diagnose and repair malfunctions and apply preventive maintenance plans to optimize system performance.

  7. Assembly and Maintenance of Air Conditioning, Ventilation, and Extraction Installations:
    The diploma holder learns to install and maintain air conditioning and ventilation systems, including assembling distribution networks and performing leak tests. They develop competencies in setting up electrical and automatic systems, ensuring proper operation through commissioning procedures, and carrying out preventive maintenance to extend equipment life.

  8. Professional Training and Guidance:
    The student gains knowledge about labor market opportunities, teamwork strategies, employment rights and responsibilities, and risk assessment in the workplace. They also participate in the development of risk prevention plans and apply measures to ensure workplace safety in refrigeration and air conditioning environments.

  9. Business and Entrepreneurial Initiative:
    The diploma holder develops entrepreneurial skills by analyzing business opportunities, planning the establishment of a small enterprise, and understanding legal, financial, and administrative obligations. They learn to manage basic accounting and taxation tasks necessary for running a business in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.

  10. Work Placement:
    The student applies their knowledge in real-world environments, participating in the installation, maintenance, and commissioning of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and repairing equipment, ensuring compliance with quality and safety procedures, and assisting in legal compliance documentation.


Teléfono 923 18 69 61
Fax 923 18 62 62

Horario general del centro
Mañanas: de 8:30 A 14:20 h.
Tardes: de 16:00 a 21:10 h.

Horario lectivo
Mañanas: de 8:30 a 13:15 h. (Turno diurno)
Tardes: de 15:20 a 21:10 h. (Turno vespertino)

Horario de secretaría
Mañanas de 9 a 14 h.

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  • ES
  • EN