Higher Technician in Electronic Maintenance
The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to:
Maintaining and repairing electronic, professional, industrial and consumption systems and equipment, as well as planning and organizing maintenance processes, applying occupational and environmental risk prevention plans, quality criteria and the applicable laws and rules.
Within this framework, the PROFESSIONAL MODULES and their respective LEARNING OUTCOMES acquired by the holder are listed below:
1051.- Analogical Electronic Circuits perfect (14 ECTs)
This module -s on skills related to the characterization, application, and verification of electronic components, as well as the preparation of technical documentation. It includes the understanding and application of active and passive electronic components in circuits, the use of techniques for measuring and visualizing electrical signals, the identification and structure of analogical circuits, proposing solutions with electronic circuits, verifying circuit operation, and preparing technical documentation using computer tools.
1052.- Micro-programmable Equipment (14 ECTs)
This module details skills related to the identification, assembly, configuration, and maintenance of digital electronics components and systems. It includes identifying components and their function in digital circuits, assembling and verifying combinational and sequential circuits, configuring and verifying devices in micro-processed systems, configuring micro-programmable digital equipment, and maintaining this equipment, including troubleshooting and dysfunction resolution.
1053.- Maintenance of Radiocommunications Equipment (9 ECTs)
This module addresses skills related to the diagnosis, optimization, and repair of radiocommunications equipment. It includes identifying constructive blocks and components, verifying and analysing equipment operation, optimizing performance through adjustments and reconfigurations, preventing malfunctions through measurements and recognition of acceptable values, detecting faults through diagnostic techniques, and restoring operation through repairs.
1054.- Maintenance of Voice and Data Equipment (9 ECTs)
This module encompasses skills related to the identification, verification, maintenance, optimization, and repair of voice and data equipment. It includes identifying constructive blocks, functions, and technical characteristics of the equipment, verifying operation through configurations and parameter checks, preventive maintenance through parameter monitoring and recognition of acceptable values, optimizing operation through adjustments and reconfigurations, and restoring operation through repairs. Additionally, it addresses compliance with occupational health and environmental safety standards in these activities.
1059.- Infrastructures and electronic maintenance development (12 ECTs)
This module focuses on the management and planning of electronic equipment and systems maintenance. It includes developing maintenance plans, managing maintenance operations, provisioning equipment and spare parts, managing human resources, organizing the maintenance workshop, and applying standardized management processes and procedures. Emphasis is placed on establishing optimal operating conditions, electrical and environmental protection, and compliance with quality standards.
1061.- Vocational training and guidance (5 ECTs)
This module covers the selection of job opportunities and continuous learning, application of teamwork strategies, recognition of workers’ rights and obligations, understanding of social security and benefits, evaluation of occupational risks, and participation in the development of risk prevention plans. Emphasis is placed on the application of prevention and protection measures in the work environment of the Senior Electronic Maintenance Technician, considering the responsibilities of the involved parties.
1055.- Maintenance of Industrial Electronics Equipment (10 ECTs)
This module addresses skills related to the identification, analysis, characterization, diagnosis, repair, and compliance with safety standards in industrial electronics equipment. It includes identifying and understanding the operation of industrial electronic equipment and elements, analysing power control systems and industrial communication networks, characterizing programmable logic systems and industrial integrated systems, detecting and repairing faults through diagnosis and application of techniques, and complying with work and environmental safety standards in these activities.
1056.- Maintenance of Audio equipment (6 ECTs)
This module comprises skills related to the identification, verification, diagnosis, repair, and compliance with safety standards in audio equipment. It includes recognizing functional blocks and components of audio equipment, verifying the operation of preamplification, mixing, processing, distribution, and amplification equipment, detecting faults through diagnostic techniques, repairing faults and electroacoustic devices, and complying with work and environmental safety standards in these activities.
1057.- Maintenance of Video Equipment (6 ECTs)
This module focuses on the verification, maintenance, and repair of video equipment. It includes interpreting technical documentation, maintaining video capture, recording, storage, and display equipment, as well as carrying out adjustments, repairs, and replacements of elements as necessary. Diagnostic techniques, fault localization, and preventive maintenance are applied to ensure optimal operation of the equipment, complying with work and environmental safety standards.
1058.- Techniques and Processes for Assembly and Maintenance of Electronic Equipment (6 ECTs)
This module focuses on the design, simulation, acquisition, construction, and adjustment of electronic circuits. It includes creating electronic schematics using electronic CAD software, simulating and improving electronic circuits, obtaining printed circuit boards, constructing circuits using machining and soldering techniques, and fine-tuning electronic circuits through adjustments and verifications. Emphasis is placed on compliance with work and environmental safety standards at all stages of the process.
1060.- Electronic Maintenance Project (4 ECTs)
This module focuses on identifying and designing projects that meet the needs of the productive sector. It includes identifying needs and conceiving projects related to the competencies of the title, as well as developing and planning the project phases. Procedures are established for monitoring and controlling project execution, justifying the selection of variables and instruments used to ensure its success.
1062.- Business and Entrepreneurial Initiative (5 ECTs)
This module focuses on recognizing entrepreneurial skills, evaluating business opportunities, and creating a small business. It includes assessing the impact on the environment and incorporating ethical values, as well as conducting activities for the establishment and launch of the company, administrative and financial management, and compliance with legal, accounting, and tax obligations associated.
1063.- Work-based Training (22 ECTs)
This module focuses on identifying business structure, applying ethical and work practices, and maintaining various technological equipment. It includes maintaining micro-programmable, voice and data, industrial electronics, audio and video, and radiocommunications equipment. Emphasis is placed on interpreting maintenance protocols, using technical documentation, and applying specific repair techniques to ensure the proper functioning of equipment and systems.
The Higher Technician in Electronic Maintenance works in both public and private companies of the services sector, which are specialised in maintenance and repair of telecommunications and micro-processing systems, broadband networks, telematic and radiocommunications, as well as industrial and professional equipment of audio and video, either as self-employed or for others. The most relevant occupations or jobs are the following:
• Technician in supervision and verification of radio and television system equipment and audiovisual production systems
• Technician in repairing and maintenance of radio and television systems and audiovisual production systems.
• Technician in supervision and verification of broadcast system equipment • Technician in repair and maintenance of broadcast systems
• Technician in supervision and verification of domotic systems and installations and building automation and electronic security system equipment
• Technician in supervision and verification of local networks and telematic systems equipment.
• Technician in repairing and maintenance of local networks and telematic systems equipment
• Technician in supervision and verification and control of radio link systems
• Technician in repair and maintenance of professional video equipment
• Technician in repair and maintenance of professional video equipment
• Technician in repair and maintenance of industrial equipment
Name of the body awarding the diploma on behalf of the King of Spain: Spanish Ministry of Education or the different Autonomous Communities according to their areas of competence.
The title has academic and professional validity throughout Spain.
Official duration of the education/ training leading to the diploma: 2000 hours.
Level of the diploma (national or international)
• NATIONAL: Non-University Higher Education
• INTERNATIONAL: Level 5 of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED5). Level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF5).
Entry requirements: Holding the Certificate in Post-Compulsory Secondary Education (Bachillerato) or holding the corresponding access test.
Access to next level of education/training: This diploma provides access to University studies.