Higher Technician in Motor Vehicles

Higher Technician in Motor Vehicles  

The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to:  
Organising, scheduling and supervising the performance of maintenance operations and the logistics thereof in the motor vehicle industry, diagnosing failures in complex cases, and ensuring compliance with applicable regulatory and manufacturer’s specifications.  

Within this framework, the PROFESSIONAL MODULES and their respective LEARNING OUTCOMES acquired by the holder are listed below:  

“Electric, Safety and Comfort Systems” (13 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers the assembly of electrical circuits, interpretation of vehicle electrical systems, diagnosis of faults, repair procedures, maintenance operations, and planning of modifications and reforms. Students will learn to relate operating parameters to the fundamentals and laws of electricity and electromagnetism, applying this knowledge to the maintenance and diagnosis of electrical and safety systems in vehicles.  
“Force Transmission Systems and Running Gear” (13 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers the assembly of fluid circuits, the interpretation of systems that make up the chassis and force transmission, diagnosis of faults in these systems, determination of repair procedures, maintenance operations in suspension, steering, brakes, clutches, converters, gearboxes, differentials, and other transmission elements, and the application of risk prevention and safety measures. Consideration is given to working conditions and risk factors.  
“Heat Engines and Their Auxiliary Systems”  (12 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers the assembly of fluid circuits, the interpretation of systems that make up the chassis and force transmission, diagnosis of faults in these systems, determination of repair procedures, maintenance operations in suspension, steering, brakes, clutches, converters, gearboxes, differentials, and other transmission elements, and the application of risk prevention and safety measures. Consideration is given to working conditions and risk factors.  
“Non-structural Removable and Fixed Elements” (13 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers the assembly of fluid circuits, the interpretation of systems that make up the chassis and force transmission, diagnosis of faults in these systems, determination of repair procedures, maintenance operations in suspension, steering, brakes, clutches, converters, gearboxes, differentials, and other transmission elements, and the application of risk prevention and safety measures. Consideration is given to working conditions and risk factors. 
“Surface Treatment and Coating”  (13 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers various key areas. Students will learn to determine repair processes by analyzing the characteristics of different layers of protection, surface leveling, and beautification. They will apply techniques for surface protection, leveling, sealing, and soundproofing, interpreting work procedures. Additionally, they will explore colorimetry techniques to obtain the vehicle’s paint color by analyzing stipulated formulation and mixing rules. The program also includes surface beautification techniques, interpretation of given specifications, identification of defects in paint application, and the application of risk prevention measures, personal safety, and environmental protection, considering working conditions and risk factors 
“Vehicle Structural Parts”  (9 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers various key areas. Students will learn to recognize the constitution and behavior of a vehicle’s structure by relating the assembly methods of its components to manufacturing and repair processes. Additionally, they will identify deformations that the vehicle’s structure may experience by considering applied loads and the body’s construction characteristics. Students will diagnose structural deformations using established techniques and procedures, create repair estimates based on the damage characteristics, perform vehicle structure repairs using bench systems, and plan significant modifications and reforms to vehicle bodies while adhering to current regulations.  
“Vehicles Maintenance Management and Logistics”  (8 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers several key areas. Students will learn to develop vehicle maintenance plans, considering variables, methods, and timelines. They will also focus on workload distribution, relating workloads to the operability of facilities and equipment. Additionally, they will analyze the needs and requirements to develop maintenance plans for large fleets. They will organize the operation of spare parts sections, manage the treatment of waste generated in vehicle maintenance and repair operations, and develop quality plans relating management effectiveness, service satisfaction, and environmental impact to the application of established regulations. Furthermore, they will create reports, budgets, and other documents using computer programs to analyze the results. 
“Communication and Relationships Techniques”  (3 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers several key areas. Students will learn to apply communication techniques, considering their characteristics and possibilities. Additionally, they will attend to potential clients, relating their needs to the characteristics of the service or product. They will also focus on conveying the business image, linking it to the company's objectives. Furthermore, they will learn to manage complaints, claims, and suggestions, analyzing issues and identifying applicable legislation. Finally, they will control the quality of the service provided by evaluating the degree of satisfaction of potential clients. 
“Project on Motor Vehicles”  (5 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers several key areas. Students will learn to identify needs within the productive sector and relate them to typical projects that can meet those needs. Additionally, they will design projects related to the competencies expressed in the title, developing all necessary phases. They will also plan the implementation or execution of the project, determining the intervention plan and associated documentation. Finally, they will define procedures for monitoring and controlling project execution, justifying the selection of variables and instruments used.  
“Professional Training and Guidance” (5 CREDITS ECTS) 
This electromechanical training program covers various key areas. Students will learn to select employment opportunities, identifying different possibilities for insertion and lifelong learning. Additionally, they will apply teamwork strategies, assessing their effectiveness and efficiency in achieving organizational goals. They will also exercise their rights and fulfill obligations arising from employment relationships, recognizing them in various employment contracts. Students will determine the protective action of the Social Security system against various contingencies, identifying different types of benefits. They will evaluate risks related to their activities by analyzing working conditions and risk factors present in their work environment. Furthermore, they will participate in developing a risk prevention plan for a small company, identifying responsibilities for all involved parties, and applying preventive measures while analyzing risk situations in the automotive technician’s work environment.. 
“Business and Entrepreneurial Initiative” (4 CREDITS ECTS) 
The program teaches entrepreneurial skills by analyzing job and business requirements, assessing the environmental and ethical impact of starting a small business. It covers legal formation and obligations, as well as financial and administrative management, including accounting, taxes, and documentation for SMEs 
“On the Job training”  (22 CREDITS ECTS) 
The program focuses on the structure and organization of the company, along with the production and marketing of related facilities. It promotes the application of ethical and work habits according to established procedures. It also includes the reception and delivery of vehicles, diagnosis of faults, planning and optimization of maintenance, repair of structures, and spare parts management. All of this is done under direct supervision and with strict adherence to personal and environmental safety measures. 

The Higher Technician in Motor Vehicles works in the sector of manufacturing and maintenance of vehicles, in the subsector of vehicles, heavy vehicles, tractors, agricultural machinery, extractive, construction and civil engineering industries.   
The most relevant occupations or jobs are the following:  
Electro mechanics area manager  
Vehicles receiving operator  
Motor vehicles garage overseer  
Manager of Vehicles Compulsory Technical Inspection (MOT inspection)   
Vehicles valuation technician  
Service manager  
Spare parts area manager  
Manager in the commercial area of vehicle-related equipment  
Bodywork area manager: bodywork and paint  
Name of the body awarding the diploma on behalf of the King of Spain: Spanish Ministry of Education or the different Autonomous Communities according to their areas of competence. The title has academic and professional validity throughout Spain.   
Official duration of the education/ training leading to the diploma: 2000 hours.   
Level of the diploma (national or international)  
NATIONAL: Non-University Higher Education   
INTERNATIONAL:  Level 5 of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED5) / Level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF5).  
Entry requirements: Holding the Certificate in Post-Compulsory Secondary Education (Bachillerato) or holding the corresponding access test.   
Access to next level of education/training: This diploma provides access to University studies.  
Legal basis. Basic regulation according to which the diploma is established:  
Minimum teaching requirements established by the State: Royal Decree 1796/2008, of 3 November, according to which the diploma of Higher Technician in Motor Vehicles and its corresponding minimum teaching requirements are established.  
Explanatory note: This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified diploma and does not have any legal status in itself.  


Electric, Safety and Comfort Systems 13
Force Transmission Systems and Running Gear 13
Heat Engines and Their Auxiliary Systems 12
Non-structural Removable and Fixed Elements 13
Surface Treatment and Coating 13
Vehicle Structural Parts 9
Vehicles Maintenance Management and Logistics 8
Communication and Relationships Techniques 3
Project on Motor Vehicles 5
Professional Training and Guidance 5
Business and Entrepreneurial Initiative 4
On the Job Training 22





Teléfono 923 18 69 61
Fax 923 18 62 62
Email 37013341@educa.jcyl.es

Horario general del centro
Mañanas: de 8:30 A 14:20 h.
Tardes: de 16:00 a 21:10 h.

Horario lectivo
Mañanas: de 8:30 a 13:15 h. (Turno diurno)
Tardes: de 15:20 a 21:10 h. (Turno vespertino)

Horario de secretaría
Mañanas de 9 a 14 h.

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